Saturday, March 10, 2012

Break For Thanks ~ New Series!

Ok so here goes the start of a new series! I am calling "Break For Thanks." I was inspired to write posts about what I'm thankful for by my friend Maci over at The Peaceful Nest. I think it is good set a time aside to reflect on all the blessings in my life. God has given me so much, and this will be a place to publicly thank Him for that.

This week I am thankful for my new job. It may sound silly at first, but finding this new position was HUGE for me. Re-wind eleven months ago when Mark and I first made the move to San Jose. I thought it would be fun to work in an optometry office instead of ophthalmology. My main reason for doing this was I wanted to learn about glasses (something I had NO experience in). I was fortunate enough to find a position at a great office. They were willing to train me from scratch, and I did learn quite a bit. What I didn't expect was how much "retail" was involved in the job. I do not like being a salesperson and that's exactly what I was. The other tough thing was I was constantly getting off at 7:15pm. When Mark went to bed at 9:00 I was only able to see him for about an hour after my long commute home. After the new year came I decided to look for a position in ophthalmology again. About two weeks later I was hired! 

I love my new office. I work with a great group of people and am doing what I enjoy again. I am so thankful to have weekends off and that I get off at 5:00 every weekday. It was a change I desperately needed and came just in the nick of time. Mark and I just found out we will definitely be in San Jose for another year, and this position helps me feel established enough to enjoy the next year down here. 

I also love that I get to constantly learn. This past week one of the doctors taught me about eye alignment. I learned about all sorts of problems like esophorias and exotropias, and am now able to test for them with much more confidence than I previously did. (If you know me, you know how giddy I am when I learn something new.)

"So I saw that there is nothing better for a person than to enjoy their work, because that is their lot. For who can bring them to see what will happen after them?" Ecclesiastes 3:22 

What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear!


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  1. I love the new post! What a great reminder for all of us to be thankful each and everyday.I'm thankful for how God orchestrates all things in our lives for He knows the plans that lie ahead, to give us hope and a future. I remember applying for a job at Dr. Liang's on a fluke and who would ever have guessed that a few years later Hannah would begin her passion for Ophthalmology at the age of 12! And this week I have so many things to be thankful for as I reflect on the past 50 years! Wow where does time go! "Give thanks to the Lord Almighty for the Lord is good; His love endures forever" Jer 33:11 Thank you Hannah, I love you. Mom

  2. I am very thankful this week that Dr. Liang will be performing Mom's surgeries. Not only do I have enormous respect for his abilities, but he is a close family friend as well. I am also counting my blessings as I study for an upcoming midterm exam. My Lord has provided an amazing retirement that allows me to study His truth and immerse myself in my passion for apologetics and theology. And of course a day doesn't go by that I don't say thank you to HIm for the precious gifts of my wife, my daughters, and my son-in-law. I could go one, but I guess that's enough for now. Can't wait to see you both this Thursday when we can celebrate all of these things together. I love you, Dad
