Saturday, May 7, 2011

Lazy Los Gatos Saturday

What started out as a very lazy, unmotivated day turned out to be one of the best afternoons we've had since we moved! This morning was a slow start. We knew we needed to get some more time in driving the beats Mark still had to learn. I would describe the freeways and expressways in San Jose like this tangled mess:

I have actually enjoyed driving the beats with Mark because it is giving me the opportunity to learn our new area. It is like a crash course in San Jose geography. Having said that, driving the mess of freeways is just not my idea of a fun Saturday afternoon. So after much prodding, we decided to drive the beats in the Los Gatos & Saratoga areas (inside the yellow circle):

Let me just say that my dream used to be for Mark to transfer to Napa and us to live in St. Helena. Now, I certainly hope he likes the San Jose area because my new dream town is Los Gatos. There are seriously cute historic homes.

And the most adorable downtown shopping area.

We of course needed to stop for some coffee, and Great Bear Coffee was just the ticket.

After walking downtown Los Gatos (unfortunately NOT apart of Mark's beat), we set off on some mountain roads, coffee in hand.

Up near the summit we hit some serious fog!

And saw gorgeous views of the mountains (Yes, the is a part of a beat!)

We went a little off track and found some deer.

These roads were certainly not for those with soft stomachs. I was a little dizzy when it was over! Nonetheless, it was a perfect Saturday and even ended up being a little productive! I hope your Saturday was beautiful too.


1. Image from here
2. Image from here
3. Image from here
4. Image from here
5. Image from here
6. Image from here
7. Image from here


  1. Not sure if you'd remember, but once or twice we pulled off into Los Gatos while on our way to the Santa Cruz area for some camping. We only did a little bit of exploring, but a even a short look was enough to recognize it as a quaint and awesome little town.

  2. Hannah this is such a great web site for you to journal this new chapter in your life. What a wonderful legacy to leave your children one day. Better than a diary because you show pictures too!! We enjoyed the day moving Chelsea out of the dorms( forever!!) and then spending the rest of the day at Pike's Market in Seattle. Long drive tomorrow but looking forward to getting her home. Enjoy your last day tomorrow before Mark starts his new position. Love you both, Mom and Dad

  3. Thank you :) It was a fun day. I'm glad you got her moved! See you soon :)
